Disable Skype's mood message chat

It was driving me nuts!! After installing the latest 2.8 beta for mac I was getting one of those red notifications every time any of my contacts was changing his mood message.

Luckily you can disable it in the Preferences->Advanced->Enable Mood Message Chat.


  1. Hi, nice posts there :-) thank's for the interesting information

  2. thanks man :) for some reason I was too blind to see this option and it was driving me mad!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! It was driving me bananas.

  4. Thanks! I found this annoying too. DISABLED! I appreciate you sharing.

  5. You're a life saver. Thanks!

  6. Thanks! It was driving me crazy!

  7. I find extremely annoying that this is enabled by default. Thanks for the tip.

  8. thank you, this stupid thing was driving me nuts.

  9. Thanks man..great news. I must be blind to miss that one.

  10. Thanks.. I feel that whenever I run into problems with new versions of any software it's most likely some "nice" automated addition that I want to turn off and need help to do it.

  11. Phew! Finally I can rest in peace! Most annoying moon message application!

  12. Come on Skype! Seriously! We're all not in the mood for your MOOD MESSAGE.

  13. Is it just me? Unchecking the preferences->advanced->
    enable mood message dosen't change anything. I still get a
    red point notification at the top right corner of the window,
    So I still never know before opening it if somebody tried to
    contact me or if it's a mood message.

    Is there a way to really disable this feature? I mean, not
    erasing the message once it came to my computer, but simply
    preventing it to be received by my computer.

  14. Thanks! You have no idea how annoying those mood messages were to me. [Reading your post again] Ok, I guess you have some idea.

  15. Thank you, this feature was absolutely annoying!

  16. WOOOHOOO!!!! Nice! Thanks!


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