jfokus 2007

Today I attended at jfokus, a conference on java and on its future now that Sun is moving to the open-source world.

I found most of the presentations of pretty low level and some of them of low quality. Maybe they just had to announce what kind of knowledge an attendant was supposed to have. Moreover, the names of the presentation was often misleading in my opinion.

As I suspected, the smoke which has been raised around the Rails/Ruby has also contaminated the java world with the jRuby stuff. But it is all smoke as I said and I can't wait to see the moment in which the Rails phenomena will provide anything really useful to the business world.
A speech that I found interesting was the presentation of Spring web-services by Arjen Poutsma from Interface21.
Anyway, it was nice to be at the conference and be reminded that there is life out there in the programming World!


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