The running season has started

[fa:p:a=midnattsloppet-2006,id=2235835650,j=l,s=s,l=i] And I mean not for this year. I mean for this life. I always thought that running was a quite boring sport but after the bike accident I had before the summer I had not much to do than run. Initially I started thinking about the 10 km of the Midnattsloppet. I heard about it when I first came to Stockholm, a friend of mine (Alberto Costa) planned to run it. For me looked like something impossible, as I was occupying my time with one cigarette after one ather.
When I was in Rotonda this summer I felt that I needed to do something to give a meaning to this summer. And I started running. First 3 or 4 km, then more. First having a lot of pauses then less and less. When I told my girlfriend I was going for the Middnattsloppet and she was like "yeah, right, good luck...", not really believing to my summer project. But the more the time was running the more I was running.
Back to Stockholm I went for my first 10 km. I run around Brunnsviken, the lake just around the corner. It was tough, took maybe 1 and half hours and I stopped a couple of time. But I was ready, I knew that I could make it.

Saturday, 19 august at 22.05 I started my first amatorial race and 57 minutes and 3 seconds later I was under the goal! It is not over yet!


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